Roma Design Lab is hosted by the ex Mattatoio in Testaccio district, the former
slaughterhouse that has been converted into a cultural and research centre.
The ex Mattatoio is the liveliest place in town. A location that doesn't deny its ancient soul, but that continuously
evolves towards new forms, attracting artistic activities and commercial initiatives
Graduated in Architecture at the UniversitY of Florence, she is an architect and professor of History of Art, expert in marketing and communication of cultural heritage with a biennial master degree achieved at Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione. After working as an architect in Modena and Bologna, she moved to Rome in 1997 and until 2001 she worked as a councilor for contemporary art and architecture at Gabinetto del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali. From 2001 to 2007 she was in charge of the marketing and communication office at DARC- general direction for contemporary architecture and art and of the developing MAXXI, national museum for the art of the XXI century. In 2008 she became in charge of the communication of MACRO in Rome, and as Supervisor of the Procedure, she followed the realization phases of the new MACRO, designed by the architect Odile Decq until the opening of the museum. Now she is part of the staff of the Assessore alla Trasformazione Urbana di Roma Capitale as architect expert in communication.
CEO of Fondazione Valore Italia, professor under contract at Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione of Sapienza University of Rome. He directed an advertising agency, he was the president of Casa Editrice Officine del Novecento and head editor of Vallecchi, Florence. President of the association "Una Città - network di cultura urbana", he is part of the Executive Council of Federculture and of the board of directors of Federculture Servizi. He was a member of the first Council of Design. With Giuliano Compagno he wrote "Romanzo Comunale" (Newton Compton). Essayist, co-author of miscellaneus volumes like "Proviamola Nuova", "C'eravamo tanto armati", "Le radici e il progetto", "In alto a destra", "Mona Lisa Smile", "(Re)design del territorio", "Disegno e Design", "Unicità d'Italia", "Un Maestro a Pietralata". He collaborates with magazines and newspapers. From May 2008 to January 2011, he was Assessore alle politiche Comunali e della Comunicazione of Rome.
Architect, full professor of Architectural Restoration at the Department of Architecture of Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, where she teaches Theory and History of Restoration, Archaeological Restoration, Monuments Restoration and History of Construction Techniques. In Roma Tre University, she has been the director of the Department of Architecture since 2013, and she is also the coordinator of the International Master of 2 level in Architectural Restoration and Culture of the Heritage. She's the director of the magazine "Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte" (Restoration series) and the author of several publications on the restoration of the antiques, the history of the building site and construction, the history of architecture and the methodology of architectural restoration.
He performs professional and research activities in the field of city planning, architecture and restoration of historical-monumental buildings. He is an expert in territorial strategic planning, in complex programs and in urban transformation. He's an expert in planning for European structural Funds and he participated in several contests, obtaining the funding. Recently he examined in depth the subject of Social- Housing in Italy. He's the coordinator of the area of Studies of the Territory of ISTAO, of which he is full associate and member of the board of directors. He promoted the MTU Master - Management of Urban Transformation and a course of sustainable requalification inspired by L.R.22. of region Marche. He's associate and member of the board of Marche section of INU. He's a member of the board of directors of URBIT and he annually organises the URBAN PROMO fair. He has been professor under contract at UNICAM, the University of Architecture of Ascoli Piceno, and at the Faculty of Engineering of Università Politecnica in Ancona. He is an advisor for several council administrations of region Marche. He's involved in cultural activities: he was the president of the scientific committees for the exhibitions on Ludovico Quaroni and the painter Andre Lilli, set- up at Pinacoteca Civica in Ancona and Palazzo Braschi in Rome. He was also a member of the committee for the contest announcement regarding the new location of MACRO in Rome.
Director of the Fine Arts Academy of Rome. Since 1994 she has been performing the activity of art critic, with a particular focus on the new Italian and European figurative art. She's a free-lance journalist and collaborates with art magazines and newspapers since 1992. She has held conferences in several national museums and she participated - as lecturer - in various international conventions about artistic - historical subjects. She organised numerous personal and collective antique, modern and contemporary art exhibitions both in private galleries and public exhibition spaces.
In 1972 he starts an internship by the architects Staderini and Purini, then in Milan by Gregotti studio and in 1980 he is in Rio de Janeiro at Casè studio. In 1984 and 1985 he works for Estate Romana. Charter member of Compagnia del Progetto, of which he is still President, he works with internationally renowned architects and artists under the coordination of AAM, Architettura Arte Moderna. He stands out for his specific interest in urban transformation processes and he focuses his professional experience on the management of complex projects by working on important projects in Italian and foreign cities.
Researcher, professor of History of Contemporary Architecture at Sapienza- University of Rome, Department of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture since 2006. Member of Sapienza's Academic Senate. Since 2012 she has been Investigadora Correspondiente of the Instituto de Arte Americano de Investigaciones Estéticas "Mario J. Buschiazzo" of FADU (Universidad de Buenos Aires). She is a researcher also at Centro Studi per la Cultura e l'Immagine di Roma and the Centro Interdipartimentale CITERA. Graduated in 1987, she achieved the title of DPhil in "History of Architecture and city planning" at Università di Firenze (1997) and the diploma at Corso di Perfezionamento in Restauro Architettonico e Recupero Edilizio, Urbano e Ambientale (European Master) in 1997. She won a scholarship for a post PhD in History of Architecture in Florence (1998) and an international prize "New Anthology" (Geneva 1998). She wrote for the magazines "Eupalino" and "Controspazio"; in 2002 she starts writing for the magazine "Abitare la Terra" and she is the author of numerous publications on baroque and contemporary architecture. She has held several conferences and she has taken care of various exhibitions in Italy and abroad. She has been a member of the jury in international architecture competitions and in boards of doctorates in Spain.
Architect, founding associate of La Città Virtuale, an architecture firm operating in Rome and in the region of Marche since 1993. His main works concern the eco-sustainable planning - both public and private - and the outfitting of museums. For many years he's been professor of Industrial Design at the universities of Perugia, Ancona and La Sapienza of Rome. President of Opificio delle Arti, a cultural association involved in education that organises events and festivals in the cinema, architecture, design and gastronomy fields.
Live the piazza
Contest of ideas for a new image of urban open-air spaces. For young creatives under 35. We're looking for open minds for an open city
International Showcase of Eco-Sustainable Design
Show your creativity, participate in the contest for the temporary exhibition of original and innovative works. Give Design a new address
Between planning and making there is 3D printing, the technology that turns files into objects. Choose the model on paper that you prefer and prepare yourself to attend its spectacular live realization
Recycling. The environment, common sense and the last trends ask for it. But how can we do it? With the help of Roma Design Lab's experts in recycling and re-using, who will show us how to give knew life and purpose to old objects
Participate in the Planning of Roma Design Lab. Send us your ideas to light up the city during the festival. Urban events regarding the festival's themes may be part of the official program
Roma Design Lab wants to value what has been already realized in Rome for what concerns Design and Creativity, in order to reinforce the presence of the creative industry in the national and international market
We want to give worldwide visibility to design, contemporary culture and creative industries. For this reason, Roma Design Lab is creating a network with international organisations